The Garden

Below, I have made a drawing that will hopefully make some sense. The drawing is not to scale; it’s just to give you a general sense of where things are.

  1. The vegetable garden. This was the first part of the garden and closest to the house. I played with many different designs and eventually settled on the large rectangular design we have today.

  2. The rose garden. This space was started in 2021. I hope to have the front along the grand walkway completed in 2025.

  3. The (future) fern garden. A shady area filled with primarily ferns. This will take quite a few years to develop as the area is mostly in full sun currently.

  4. Another space which will developed over the next few years. I have a neighbor who looks back at this space, and this ground floods pretty good. Wanting to keep things clean, I think I’ll trim up the wax myrtle to create nice flat walls. Then, hopefully, I’ll add large urns and plant boxwoods or something I can shape down the road.

  5. The orchard. This space has gone from a small corner to a much larger corner. Currently, it contains two apple trees, two peach trees, and three paw paw trees, and there is still room to grow. I just have to keep the deer away to allow the trees time to grow.

  6. The (future) narrow garden. At least, that’s what I’m calling it for now. The space will be 30x40 feet, and I’m currently planning on creating two grass borders on either side of a central walkway. This may change in time.

  7. The flower garden. I honestly would like to name it something different, but for now, this is what I’ll call this space. The largest garden space measuring 60x90 feet. In time the space will be enclosed with tall hedges and perhaps a fountain in the middle.

  8. The lawn. A large grassy area in front of the house will eventually be flanked with a low formal hedge along the driveway and flowering shrubs and trees along the opposite side.

  9. The crater. A strange site and an ever-evolving space. The plan for 2024 will be to fill it in and add grasses to the area.

  10. The House beds. A common site probably around the world is some kind of garden around the house. A mix of boxwood shrubs and flowering plants.

  11. The Deck. Though not part of the garden, many plants may find a home here, whether in pots or the cold frame.

  12. The large compost bins. Placed here behind the garage. I have moved the smaller ones behind the greenhouse.

    The grand walkway splits the garden down the middle. When planning out the garden I knew I wanted something to tie the whole garden together. Inspired by old formal gardens and Monty Don’s long walk, I hope this space lives up to my expectations.